[Guest Blog] To my twin cousin.. – By LeGu

This comes in very late. Sorry Bro. Let the bygones be bygones.
Let me tell you about the SP Menon I know.
I have known this guy for the past twenty-seven years of my life. Therefore, it is
extremely difficult not to write a guest post against the big wide canvas, us.

Though we do not exactly fit in the same camera frame together, we were not always like
that. We were small and tiny, well, very many years ago. So let us run the reel backwards
to those days*.

The Spirit of Darkness: Even though I am his soul sister now, it was not always so. In
the beginning, we used to fight a lot or so our mothers tell us. Two screaming 2 year olds
are not exactly what you pine for on a quiet evening of a home in the middle of serenity.
Well, we had arrived and now there was no looking back. So the elders used to throw the
object of disagreement (a ball or a rattler) out to the verandah. Now the verandah was
dark, pitch dark.SPM never ventured out in to the dark, he was afraid of the monsters. His
mother vouched and both mothers smiled and giggled at their innovative peace making
technique. However, a minute later, the then tiny me wobbled out into the dark (It seems
SPM gave me the idea.”LeGu poyi eduku.”,Offcourse LeGu has to go and take it.) and
picked the toy. Next minute we were fighting again. We complimented each other when
it came to doing things we liked, in this case was fighting.

The Spirit of Destruction: Our paternal home was a sprawling two storeyed “malika-
veedu” with a nadu muttam, poomugham and a long verandah with wooden pillars. One
day it seems our parents noticed that we are missing. We were not inside the house. They
looked out and could not find us in the garden too. Finally, they found us, standing on
the other side of the verandah, peeling paint from the verandah wall. Then on, if we went
missing there was only one place to look.

After doing things together for so many years, it’s was fun attending each other’s
wedding. I would not have missed it for anything in the world. When he won Parul’s
contest about the water cooler I was so happy. Off course, I had enjoyed her book on
Bringing up Vasu and had a personal copy of it. It was a moment of pride for me to see
him win that contest.

SPM I think you are a gifted person. Keep the pen in writing mode.

To the world,
SPM has a sense of humour, which (humour bug) runs in the family; I wonder when he is
going to pass it on to his writings. Waiting for some classic humour posts from you..

1 thought on “[Guest Blog] To my twin cousin.. – By LeGu

  1. Pingback: Childhood Memories: The Wolf amongst The Sheep « The fragments of my thoughts..

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